Clinically Speaking is a blog that will allow anyone to learn about Social Work, case presentations in psychotherapy, and the relationship of pop culture in psychology. Come one...come all!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Social Work Month

           In our of my fellow social workers, I would like to be the advocate for all our patients, clients, and administrators in saying Thank You for all your hard work and dedication that you provide in any and all situations of your practices and agencies. It takes a certain type of person to be able to stomach and endure all that we hear and deal with a consistent basis day in and day out. My advice to all those young social workers, in the prime of their career social workers, and young at heart social workers take this time to recognize yourself and if that means taking that well deserved "Mental Health Day" (yea even we need those days) than do it!!!

A great man once said "If we(as social workers) don't take the time step back, rest and reassess, how can we ask that of our clients?" -Me 

Thank you Social Workers!!!


1 comment:

  1. My advice to all those young social workers, in the prime of their career social workers, and young instagram followers iphone at heart social workers take this time to recognize yourself and if that means taking that well deserved "Mental Health Day" (yea even we need those days) than do it!!!
